Business headshots & profile photos


First impressions count! Your headshot represents you, your brand. It’s you telling the world, “This is me!”


The right headshot photo can show your personality and values, it helps position you as an expert in your field. Especially important if you’re looking to advance your career, or you want to be seen as a thought leader.

When people ‘meet’ you online, your headshot is one of the first things they see. And they make an assumption about you straight away.

Your headshot should encourage people to get in touch with you, to help build trust and personal connections. You want them to notice you, not just scroll on by, don’t you?

Do your online profiles look professional? Do you look confident and approachable? Genuine? Would people want to find out more about you, do business with you, invite you for a job interview…?

On LinkedIn and all your social media profiles, on your website and blog posts, in presentations and marketing material, e-mail signatures, speaking events and awards ceremonies, interviews, book covers, press articles... All ideal places to use your headshot.

A picture might be worth a thousand words; your headshot could be worth money, attracting attention and generating clicks.




If you’re ready to book a session, or have any questions, just leave me your details below. I’d love to work with you!